
Join us and meet other writers!

In the leafy grounds and hibiscus shade of the Fremantle Arts Centre Café.

Flame Trees in the Courtyard

Take your time to feel the energy of leaf power.

Friendly Fauna

Oh good, a bunch of writers with food!

Always be on the lookout for strange characters

They will make an interesting plot.

Haiku for Joyce

concrete two-seater
come, come, all writers sit on
my hard art

Thursday, February 21, 2013

New publishing opportunity: Inkerman & Blunt

Australian Love Poems 2013 edited by Mark Tredinnick will be published in July this year.
We are looking for poems that explore all aspects of love: the dark and the light of it; the holy mess of it; the beginning and the end; the ferocity and tenderness; the way it unmakes us, as we make it; the emptiness it leaves when it leaves.
I miss him in the weeping of the rain; I want him in the shrinking of the tide.
—Edna St Vincent Millay
Love is apart from all things, writes Jack Gilbert; it lays hold of everything we know.
There are many species of love, but it is ‘amatory love’ (as Octavio Paz puts it) we’re most interested in here. We want poems of eros and phillia, desire and devotion and longing and loss—love of the Dido and Aeneas kind; the love Neruda sang; the sort of thing John Donne never stopped exploring; the territory Leonard Cohen never stops walking; the bittersweet, remorseless affection Sappho and Catullus wrote; the love Auden mourns when he wishes the clocks would stop; the oceanic but plainer-sailing kind of affair Emily Dickinson imagined:

Wild nights—Wild nights!
Were I with thee
Wild nights should be
our luxury

Love stays, sometimes; love grows old; and we’re interested in love like that, too. Love that flares and burns and dies; love that is kind—or complicated—and long.

If you have a poem you’d like considered for this publication click here for submission guidelines.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sandfire Poets on Fire! Readings @ the Kalamunda Library

Flora Smith, Chris Konrad and Rose van Son (the 'Sandfire' poets) read to a wonderful and enthusiastic audience at the Kalamunda Library on 5th February - everyone seemed to really enjoy the evening. It was a night when all the stars seemed to be aligned and we sold many books! Ross Bolleter was also a guest poet accompanied by his sensuous piano accordion.  A truly memorable night of poetry and music.

John Knight Memorial Poetry Manuscript Prize 2013

John Knight Memorial Poetry Manuscript Prize 2013

Fence Post Press, in association with Erudite Scribe Writing Editing and Publishing are pleased to announce the inaugural John Knight Memorial Poetry Manuscript Prize, to be launched by Duncan Richardson, Jeffrey Harpeng and Andrew Leggatt.
The prize is for an unpublished poetry manuscript of 40 pages by an Australian (citizen or permanent resident) author.
Duncan, Jeffrey and Andrew will be judging and editing the entries.
Entries open from 1st March to May 17th.
The winner to be announced on 21st June.
The entry fee is $20.00. Entry guidelines can be viewed at the following URL: which will have a Paypal tab for entry fees inserted by 1st March.
The winning entry will be published as a book with Fence Post Press in August. The author will receive 25 copies and a royalty contract for all sales other than those from author stock. The hard copy of the book will be placed with online distributors and made available print-on-demand.

Monday, February 18, 2013

VALE: Martina Chippindall - much loved by OOTA members

Friends of Martina Chippendall will be saddened to learn that Martina lost her fight with cancer last Thursday morning.

Her funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon, 20th February.
For details, email Josephine Clarke, on

Donna Ward adds: Martina was integral to the years we created The Weighing of the Heart and the first celebrations of National Poetry Week that transformed into the Spring Poetry Festival. She was the treasurer for OOTA for the first year I was president and was just generally inspiring when it came to the direction of OOTA at that time.

We are all saddened by the news and will miss Martina - a valued member and friend to many of you.

Julie Watts

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Honey & Hemlock by Julie Watts & launched by Shane McCauley

On Saturday, 9th February, 2013 Shane McCauley launched Honey & Hemlock a first poetry collection by Julie Watts. Over 90 people attended the function, held at the Fremantle Arts Centre. Cellist, Kevin Gillam played while people mingled, drank champagne and wine and ate finger food. Publisher Roland Leach from Sunline Press then introduced the proceedings, telling the audience how much he enjoyed Julie's poetry after hearing her read at a Perth event. Shane launched the book to high appraise, reading some of Julie's words. After her speech and the many thank yous to family, supporters and colleagues esp. OOTA, Julie then read her poetry, incl. the heartfelt poem Putting Hand Cream on my Father 94. Apart from her other beautiful metaphorical verse, the audience did enjoy her humorous poem 'My Dog is a Social Bitch.' The book is now available for purchase through Sunline Press and the cost is $20. Well worth it for the beautiful poems inside.
Writingatthe_Centre's  album on Photobucket
Honey & Hemlock
Julie Watts

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Market for Lyric Essay, Prose Poetry, Poetry - Eratum - now #5

Axon: Creative Explorations Number 5

1. A return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength
2. The action or process of regaining possession or control of something stolen or lost
We now invite submissions for the fifth issue of the journal, which will be published in September 2013. The issue’s guiding theme is recovery; in particular, the issue aims to explore a broad range of perspectives on Asia. Alvin Pang is working with the Axon editorial team as a consultant editor on this issue.
Among other themes and topics, we invite contributions that address:
  • Pain, convalescence and resilience as a way of apprehending the Asia-Pacific region and its return to the centre of world affairs, in the context of its complex tapestry of historical humiliation, political turmoil, personal suffering, natural disaster, economic imbalance, cultural amnesia.
  • The perceived value of literature—e.g. as a form of intellectual, moral and spiritual tonic, or opposing questions about its material or utilitarian worth.
  • The role of the marketplace in defining or challenging received notions of cultural identity and expression.
  • The challenges and opportunities of language and translation.
  • Dynamic, diverse and different forms of cultural engagement—with, within and across Asia—that deserve wider attention.
Contributions that are off-theme, though still in line with the scope of the journal, are also welcome.


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